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July 20, 2016: Old Soul Society with Shawn Neary

What: Old Soul Society with Shawn Neary

When: July 20, 2016

Time: 7pm

Cost: $10 suggested donation

Ragged Roots Festival pre-party! WIN a pair of tickets to the festival just by being there!

For an extended weekend in late 2015, Old Soul Society & co-prodcer Luke Jorgensen converted a beautiful old farmhouse in Wonewoc, WI into a makeshift studio and set out to record a live album that would hopefully capture the essence of Old Soul Society’s uniquely rich, warm & authentic sound.

Old Soul Society – The Farmhouse Sessions is a testament to the power of people working together toward a common cause. The amount of collaborative effort that went into taking these songs from the notebook to The Farmhouse, to Deerwood, to the Mystery Room, to our van and finally to your hands is nothing short of a miracle.

Shawn Neary is a singer songwriter and plays with the bands Cloud Cult and A-Kin.

Thank you so very much for supporting independent music!


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old soul