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March 25, 2017: Inette Miller Imaikalani – Empowering Aboriginal Book Reading

March 25, 2017

Inette Miller Imaikalani – Empowering Aboriginal Book Reading


There is no charge for this powerful event – open to the public.

The Return Voyage: 95,000 Miles on the Paths of Our Ancestors
Iokepa a Native Hawaiian who relinquished
everything I worked for all my life to embrace his aboriginal
identity and reawaken his ancestral culture.

Inette is a Jewish woman who surrendered a
privileged writer’s life to join him, camping on Hawaiian
beaches with little food and no money, and walking the paths
of his ancestors.

Together, they packed all they owned into three suitcases and began their ancestor-driven Return Voyage across America. Their message: what Native Hawaiians lived for 12,000 years – ritual practices that prevented war have profound implications for the 21st century.

Author Inette Miller was a national and international journalist for sixteen years – a war correspondent for Time in Vietnam and Cambodia. Her most recent book, Grandmothers

Whisper, was awarded the prestigious Visionary Award. She is author of Burning Bridges, produced as an ABC Movie of the Week and translated into a half-dozen languages. Ivette has appeared widely on major network news and talk shows – and taught her Writing to Find Your Voice workshop across the country.

For more about the nature of their work and to hear ‘Iokepa chant visit:

There is no charge for this powerful event – open to the public.

Driftless Books & Music

518 Walnut Street

Viroqua, Wisconsin 54665

608 638 2665