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June 27, 2017: Sarah Beatty (Canada) with special Guests TBA

June 27, 2017 Sarah Beatty (Canada) with special Guests TBA 7-11pm $10 suggested donation With a voice that skips and soars, Hamilton, ON based Sarah Beatty is one hard artist to pin down. Writing and singing about life along white pine northern shorelines and post-industrial gentrifying geographies, this is no flash in the pan, pomp-and-circumstance-snake-oil-side-show experience. Consumable by firelight, hers is a show and tell […]

June 30, 2017: Dig Deep (Stevens Point) with special guest Lou Shields

June 30, 2017 Dig Deep (Stevens Point) with special guest Lou Shields 7-10pm $10 suggested donation Dig Deep is a four-piece string band based out of Wisconsin that has in one short year become a truly unique voice and a cornerstone of the thriving Midwest roots community. Through tireless full-time touring throughout the upper Midwest and across the country, the release of an acclaimed debut […]

July 1, 2017: Bernie King and the Guilty Pleasures with guests The May North

July 1, 2017 Bernie King and the Guilty Pleasures with guests The May North 7-10pm $10 (suggested donation) Bernie King and the Guilty Pleasures came into being in early 2010 when they put together a group for a local jug band contest. The synergy between original members Bernie King, Julie King, Matt Smith, and John Kurtis Dehn was so natural and right that they decided […]

July 6, 2017: Kyle Ollah & Mumblin Drew

July 6, 2017 Kyle Ollah & Mumblin Drew 7-10pm $10 suggested donation Mumblin’ Drew grabs you by the ear and pulls you down a rabbit hole of traditional music. He treks across America’s musical landscape from country-blues guitar or harmonica-driven old-time, to an eerie banjo number or a tin pan alley oddity. Countless hours of playing on street corners around the country has instilled a […]

July 14, 2017: Joseph Huber with special guests TBA

July 14, 2017 Joseph Huber with special guests TBA 7-10pm $10 suggested donation Singer/Songwriter/Multi-Instrumentalist Joseph Huber was a founding member of the .357 String Band–a group that, despite its abrupt break-up, still continues to gain popularity and is known as one of the most influential groups in the recent insurgent underground country and bluegrass movement. Having moved from .357, Huber has honed his songwriting abilities […]

July 16, 2017: Nickolas Butler – Hearts of Men – Book Reading and signing & Laska

July 16, 2017 Hearts of Men – Book Reading and signing 6-9pm $10 suggested donation Nickolas Butler was born in Allentown, Pennsylvania, raised in Eau Claire, Wisconsin and educated at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of Iowa Writer’s Workshop. He is the author of the internationally-best selling novel Shotgun Lovesongs, a collection of short stories entitled, Beneath the Bonfire, and The Hearts of […]

July 20, 2017: Rough and Tumble with special guest Olive Sings

July 20, 2017 Rough and Tumble with special guest Olive Sings 7-10pm $10 (suggested donation) …used to say they were from Nashville, TN. That was before April 2015 when 5 year members Mallory Graham and Scott Tyler quit their day jobs, sold everything they owned, and gave their thirty day notice on their rental house to trade in for a life permanently on the road. With […]

July 23, 2017: Charlie Painter Trio with special guest Barefoot Antennae

July 23, 2017 Charlie Painter Trio with special guest Barefoot Antennae 7-11pm $10 suggested donation We are proud to welcome back the Charlie Painter Trio for a fine evening of Jazz. —— Formed in Viroqua. We write our music as a community. All of us are responsible for our contribution to the music, and for leaving an opportunity for everybody’s expression. Our process is our […]

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