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May 13, 2017: The Mascot Theory with Barbaro

May 13, 2017 The Mascot Theory with Barbaro 7-9pm $10 (suggested donation) The Mascot Theory (acoustic) A full-fat, high-energy dose of toe-tapping Americana folk-country rock drenched in tight harmonies spewing lyrics of love, loss, regret, death, and hope. With groups like Mumford & Sons, The Avett Brothers, and Dawes setting the tone, the sub-genre of acoustic folk rock made its way to mainstream radio and […]

May 14, 2017: Front Porch Pickin & Potluck -Mothers Day

Mary 14, 2017 Front Porch Pickin & Potluck -Mothers Day 4-8pm $10 (suggested donation) MOTHERS DAY MUSIC SHARING Bring an instrument and a dish to pass. All ages open jam session. Sponsored by WoodSongs Old Time Radio Hour.

May 14, 2017: Gregg Cheech Hall- Childrens Book Reading and Signing

May 14, 2017 Gregg Cheech Hall- Childrens Book Reading and Signing 2-4pm Gregg Hall was born on December 30, 1980 to Kathy & Mike Hall. He was raised in La Crosse, WI in a place called Smith Valley. He came from very large family of musicians, actors, and artists. Gregg attended the University of Wisconsin, Stout. It was here, where he got his first weekly […]

May 18, 2017: Nick Jaina – Performance and book reading

May 18, 2017 Nick Jaina – Performance and book reading 7-10pm $10 suggested donation Biography There are things we do that we can’t forget, things we do that we can’t remember, and things we do that we’d never thought we’d do. And there are things that WE do, US, Nick Jaina and his band. Somehow most of those things don’t fall into the first three […]

May 20, 2017: Chris Koza with Special guest Nickel & Rose

May 20, 2017 Chris Koza with Special guest Nickel & Rose 7-10pm $10 (suggested donation) Rogue Valley frontman Chris Koza has completed a new solo album titled In Real Time; a twelve-song collection confronting the perception of time, the oasis of the in-between, and the allure of the ocean. The Portland-raised, Minnesota-based singer-songwriter has consistently produced and released music over the past decade. Koza’s songs […]

May 21, 2017: Anima CD release Party And concert with special guests Auralai

May 21, 2017 Anima CD release Party And concert with special guests Auralai 7-10pm $10 (suggested donation)   Anima is releasing their debut EP! Keep an eye out here for announcements, exciting new info about what’s coming up, and a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the album. Bio: Friends since kindergarten, Raina and Jaia began making music together at the beginning of their high […]

May 24, 2017: Silent Obliteration-Sioux Falls, SD -Opener TBA

May 24, 2017 Silent Obliteration-Sioux Falls, SD -Opener TBA 7-10pm $10 sugested donation Hip Hop Hooray. @silentobliteration Genre Underground Hip Hop Members Hazmat, Wantedallah, Stanley Milgram, Moe Bitches, Dr. Alien Hometown Sioux Falls, S.D. About Underground hip-hop from Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Biography From the undergrounds of the Midwest rises the group Silent Obliteration. Current Location Sioux Falls Facebook event:

May 27, 2017: Brianna Kocka and Kari Arnett

May 27, 2017 Brianna Kocka and Kari Arnett 7-10pm $10 (suggested donation)   KARI ARNETT Growing up in rural south central Wisconsin, Kari Arnett was experimenting with writing, playing, and singing music from a young age, including teaching herself to play piano. It wasn’t until her early 20s that Arnett taught herself guitar and began performing as a traveling musician. Soon her inspirations led her […]

June 3, 2017: Bill Camplin and Randy Sabien

June 3, 2017 Bill Camplin and Randy Sabien 7-10pm $10 (suggested donation) Bill Camplin – BIO in his own words Born after doctor recommends that Clara have another baby to give her something to do… This after already having given birth to 5 children… Feels so good she has another. (#6)Hears Ave Maria in the cradle…produces predilection for weepy ballads. Lives normal childhood on a […]

June 6, 2017: Resonant Rogues w/ Lost Dog Street Band

June 6, 2017 Resonant Rogues w/ Lost Dog Street Band 7-11pm $10 suggested donation The Resonant Rogues are the songwriting soul child of partners Sparrow and Keith Smith. With influences ranging from gypsy swing to early New Orleans jazz, and from Appalachian old-time to eastern European folk music, they take their favorite flavors and blend them into a delicious, danceable dish. The Resonant Rogues have […]

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